Black gold : the story of oil in our lives by Marrin, Albert

Black gold : the story of oil in our lives
by Marrin, Albert


Paperback Alfred A Knopf, c2012, p2013

Price: USD 19.03

Description: 181 pages : illustrations, maps; 23 cm
Dewey: 553.2; Audience: Young Adult

Other available formats

FollettBound Glued Alfred A Knopf, c2012, p2013

USD 23.15

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Product Overview
From Follett

Includes bibliographical references (page 161-166) and index. Explores the important role oil plays in United States and the world, explains what oil is, and describes how oil has affected history, politics, society, and the economy.

From the Publisher
Oil is not pretty, but it is a resource that drives the modern world. It has made fortunes for the lucky few and provided jobs for millions of ordinary folks.

Thick and slippery, crude oil has an evil smell. Yet without it, life as we live it today would be impossible. Oil fuels our engines, heats our homes, and powers the machines that make the everyday things we take for granted, from shopping bags to computers to medical equipment. Nations throughout the last century have gone to war over it. Indeed, oil influences every aspect of modern life. It helps shape the history, society, politics, and economy of every nation on earth.

This riveting new book explores what oil is and the role this precious resource has played in America and the world.
Product Details
  • Publisher: Alfred A Knopf
  • Publication Date: January 8, 2013
  • Format: Paperback
  • Edition: 1st trade pbk. ed.
  • Dewey: 553.2
  • Classifications: Nonfiction
  • Description: 181 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm
  • ISBN-10: 0-375-85968-3
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-375-85968-7
  • Follett Number: 0567PE7
  • Audience: Young Adult