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The Emerging Language & Literacy Curriculum

Prepare preschoolers for success in kindergarten and give them a strong foundation in oral language and literacy with this scientifically based curriculum. This program not only addresses all developmental domains with theme-based units, children's literature, multisensory activities, scaffolded instruction and parental involvement but also creates an engaging environment with activity and play-based learning. The ELLC was developed in Kansas City, Missouri, at Children's Therapeutic Learning Center and was originally designed for children with language disabilities. The curriculum was also piloted with inclusive classrooms and demonstrated success with typically developing children and children who were English Language Learners. In 2002, ELLC was recommended by an American Speech-Language-Hearing Association committee to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, as one of six potential model preschool language/literacy programs. The ELLC addresses all developmental domains. The curriculum is an integrated-intentional curriculum that targets experiences in all developmental domains within a language and literacy-rich program. There are 22 key concepts addressed in two-week thematic units based on children's literature, 11 learning centers, and 4 key curricular components (shared storybook reading, circle, learning centers, and small phonological groups) incorporated into a preschool day. The seven curriculum-based checklists allow for on-going progress monitoring consistent with child development and early childhood experiences: pre-academic skills, oral language, phonological awareness, prewriting; motor skills; social skills; and literacy skills. The curriculum-based measures provide information for developing classroom objectives and individualized child goals and experiences as well as parent conferences.

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