Teens, nutrition, and dieting (Compact Research: Teen Well-Being) by Wilcox, Christine

Teens, nutrition, and dieting (Compact Research: Teen Well-Being)
by Wilcox, Christine


Hardcover (library binding) ReferencePoint Press, 2016

Price: USD 33.05

Description: 96 pages : color illustrations; 25 cm.
Dewey: 613; Audience: Young Adult

Product Overview
From Follett

Includes bibliographical references (pages 85-89) and index.;How important is nutrition for teens? -- How can teen athletes improve performance through diet and nutrition? -- Why are more teens overweight today? -- What constitutes healthy weight loss? Discusses nutrition and dieting during teenage years, looking at what a balanced diet should be, what is considered healthy weight loss and more.

From the Publisher
The Compact Research: Teen Well-Being set examines the factors that influence the mental, physical, and emotional health of today's teens. Books cover a variety of topics, from body image to nutrition and dieting to issues that affect LGBT youth. The user-friendly format of the series includes clear, objective overviews; carefully selected and cited primary sources; and informative full-color statistical illustrations that provide quick reference as well as supporting in-depth research. Book jacket.
Product Details
  • Publisher: ReferencePoint Press
  • Publication Date: April 1, 2015
  • Format: Hardcover (library binding)
  • Series: Compact research. Teen well-being
  • Dewey: 613
  • Classifications: Nonfiction
  • Description: 96 pages : color illustrations ; 25 cm.
  • ISBN-10: 1-60152-834-5
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-60152-834-6
  • LCCN: 2015-003561
  • Follett Number: 0653TX5
  • Audience: Young Adult